Terms of service:
- By buying our course or using our website, forum or any part of our service and any of our products you agree to be bound by all the terms written here.
- You understand that trading on the forex markets has large potential risk of loosing part or all of your account and is not suitable for everyone.
- You understand that past performances do not guarantee and are not indicative for future results.
- You understand that neither part of this service, website or product is an investment advice of any kind.
- By purchasing the Grid Trading Course or using our website, you agree to hold harmless the Grid Trading Course owner, manager, and all affiliates and associates, from any losses, money or otherwise.
- Neither part of this course, nor any part of our trading software can be shared, sold, or otherwise distributed without our explicit permission. Feel free to link to our website though.
- These terms may change at anytime without any prior notice.
- No refunds will be given to anyone for whatever reason.
Thank you for your support!